This was my first full week in Rome, which is crazy! It was nice to get into a routine with the kids’ schedule, because they have a lot of activities each evening. We come home from school and prepare lunch together (my 11 year old usually helps me make pasta) then the kids rest a little before we spend time together working on their English. Because I can speak Italian, it’s important that we set aside some time where I use more English and we can work on their English, wherever they’re at. I like to set a timer on my phone so we focus for 20-30 minutes, but this week both the kids wanted to continue learning past that amount of time!
I did a lot of exploring around Rome all week, I love just walking and seeing where I end up. I also had the chance to go to the beach at Santa Marinella with a couple of other au pairs. It’s a beautifulllll beach, just a 45 minute train ride from Rome. It made me so happy to swim in the sea with my new friends, with the most perfect weather, and we had a long slow lunch before taking the train back to Rome. Before we hit the beach, we had to stop in a store so one of my friend’s could by a swimsuit. The lady in the store helped us find the perfect one, and it was quite the adventure communicating and trying the find the right one! She was so nice, I hope I can go back to Santa Marinella. All in all it was a busy week, but I’m excited to start my own routines and get to know the kids and my host family more!