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Is it safe to live abroad?
- Living abroad can be very safe
- You will be as safe as you are smart
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Tourists naturally attract petty thieves, but if you’re wise, you can avoid them
- Listen to your host parents about what places to avoid
Be aware of pickpockets
- Keep personal belongings close to your body, especially when you’re in public areas
- If you’re in a crowded area (especially on public transportation) have your backpack or purses on in a way that no one can open it or take it without you noticing
- If you get ripped off, remember this advice by Rick Steves:
It’s best to get over it. You’re rich and thieves aren’t. You let your guard down and they grab your camera. It ruins your day and you have to buy a new one, while they sell it for a week’s wages on their scale. And the score’s one to nothing. It’s wise to keep a material loss in perspective.
- Remember that the large majority of crimes suffered by tourists are nonviolent and avoidable
- Stay away from dark or deserted places, especially at night
Be prepared before you go
- Make 2+ photocopies of your passport, any medical/eyesight prescriptions, and flight itinerary
- Leave one copy of your passport with a family member or trusted friend back home
- While you travel, leave one copy in your luggage
- When you get to your host’s home, leave your passport there (unless traveling abroad)
- Carry the copy with you and use as ID when needed (i.e. buying a SIM card)
- Your driver’s license may suffice as ID (when going to a bar, etc. but it’s good to have the passport copy just in case)
- Back up your photos frequently as you travel
- Leave your expensive jewelry at home — even if a thief doesn’t go for your jewelry specifically, it’s a signal to them
- Consider wearing a money belt!
- A money belt is a small, pouch with a zipper that you wear around your waist underneath your clothes — it’s very handy and gives you the freedom of being hands-free while still carrying your important items safely
Be prepared when you’re out and about
- Leave expensive gear such as a laptop in your host family’s home (it’s safer there than with you in a backpack on the streets)
- The likelihood of losing something is much greater than having something stolen
- Always look behind you before leaving any place or form of transportation
- Go through a mental list when packing and unpacking if you’re traveling
- Always be in physical contact with your things
- Don’t set down small valuable items when you’re out such as your phone, camera, or wallet
- If you’re eating at a restaurant or cafe, don’t place your phone on the table where it’s easy to be snatched away
- Secure your bag when you’re not moving
- Loop a strap around your leg or leg of a chair
- Use lockable zippers, twist-ties, paper clips, or key rings to keep your bag harder for pickpockets
- Be instantly alert anytime there’s a commotion — it might be a ruse for thieves to distract tourists
- Also be alert whenever you’re in a crowd, especially flea markets and train stations — places like these are a pickpocket’s playground because they are full of opportunities and easy escape exits
Be wary of scams
- There are many many subtle ways to be scammed — someone might charge you triple what a good normally costs or they might offer you a deal that sounds too good to be true (hint: it is!)
- NEVER get in an unmarked cab or taxi
- NEVER get in an unmarked cab or taxi
- NEVER get in an unmarked cab or taxi
- If you use Uber/Lyft, make sure everything matches up before getting in the vehicle
Money, money, money
- Be alert whenever money changes hands, even when you withdraw from ATMs
- Cash is safer
- Always know what you are paying for before handing over money
- Be sure to count your change
- Pickpockets can be very clever — don’t be fooled by sob stories or official-looking uniforms
Drinking guidelines
- Don’t drink alcohol outside your host family’s home
- Drinking puts you at risk of making bad choices that may cost you later
- When you’re out, NEVER let your drink out of your sight
- ALWAYS be aware of where your drinks come from
- ALWAYS watch your drinks from the bar until they get to you
- Be aware of your surroundings
- Be upfront if someone is buying you drinks or hitting on you and you don’t want their attention
- Drink plenty of water
Emergency phone number
- Save the emergency numbers for local authorities in your phone
- Police phone number is 112 (not 911!)
Making friends
- There are Facebook Groups to meet others outside the Rome Abroad program
- Always be cautious meeting people from internet connections
- If you don’t feel good about meeting someone, don’t
- ALWAYS meet in public, safe areas
- ALWAYS tell your host mom where you’ll be, with whom, and when you’ll be back
Group links
- Madrid: Au Pair in Madrid / Spain
- All over Spain: Au Pair in Spain, Au Pair in Spain
- You can also meet people through your church (many have ‘meetinghouse locators’ for local branches/groups)
Note: you will have additional ways to meet more people through our Spanish colleagues
Other precautions
- Log your travel plans with the State Department
- This allows the government to send you email alerts about potential problems abroad (i.e. demonstrations, etc.)
- Know how to contact the nearest American Embassy to your city
- U.S. Embassy in Madrid
Calle de Serrano, 75
28006 Madrid, Spain
Phone: (+34) 91-587-2200 - U.S. Consulate in Barcelona
Paseo Reina Elisenda de Montcada, 23
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: (+34) 93 280 22 27 - Consider buying a defensive spray, such as the D.A.D.® 2.
- Check out how one Traveler used hers while living abroad
- Use code ROMEABROAD for $30 off + free shipping ($10 value)