Florence, Siena, & Pisa: A’s Week

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18 July 2018


What were you grateful for this week? 

The people I meet everyday. I may not speak their language, but I’ve always had people willing to help whenever I need it.

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
I got sick this week, so that wasn’t very fun. My amazing family took good care of me though! 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
This week we found a YouTube instructional video of how to make paper swords. Ha the boys loved it and they had to follow instructions in English. It was also a great way to keep a conversation going with them. 


Tell us about your week! 
This week was my last full week in Italy???? I’m so sad about it. The day after we had gotten home from Prague I got sick, so my family took good care of me and let me sleep and get the rest I needed. 

The rest of the week in the house we got to paint, I showed the little girl how to make symmetrical butterflies with paint and she loved it and wanted to keep making them.
We also played with play dough this week. Making all sorts of things. My favorite was when we made a cave with a bunny family inside. 

Also the boys have been playing foosball a lot this week and they wanted me to play until they saw how bad I was at it. Then they just wanted me to watch. Ha 

This weekend was amazing. I met up with another girl in Rome and we traveled to Florence on Saturday! Florence is beautiful. We got to see The David, the Duomo, climb to the top of the clock tower, see the panoramic view of the city twice, and met up with other girls. It was perfect, even though we walk like 15 miles that day.
Sunday we left Florence, and headed to Siena. We didn’t have much time here but it was also stunning. I loved walking the streets of this old city. 

Last but not least we headed to Pisa where we of course saw the leaving tower. It’s surreal to see these buildings you’ve seen pictures of your whole life but are actually seeing in real life now. Italy is amazing and I’m glad that this was how I spent my last weekend in Italy. Next up…Greece! 🙂  




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