What were you grateful for this week?
Peanut Butter.
What was the most challenging part of this week?
Trying to get enough sleep.
Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
I made origami cranes for my host family’s son and his friends.
Tell us about your week!
This was a pretty good week. Things are still going well with my host family. Last night I had some very delicious pasta.
My Italian class was also pretty good this week. We’re learning more grammar forms, slowly but surely. As long as I get all the conjugations down and all the little pronouns by the time I finish, I’ll be happy.
On Thursday my school went out on a tour to look at different examples of Liberty and Neo-Liberty architecture. Liberty was a style around the turn of the century that basically rejected the very popular Neo-Classical and Eclectic styles popular at the time, and aimed for something new. It used motifs from nature and tried to emulate the natural world more than follow the traditional rules of style. The movement inspired several different interesting buildings in Milan. Afterwards people were impressed and inspired by the style and designed several Neo-Liberty buildings that are also very impressive.
Another important thing that happened this week was that I found peanut butter! I went to Lidl which has peanut butter in other European countries, but I discovered that in Italy, Lidl doesn’t have Peanut Butter. So I did some research and found out that International Stores that sell Asian Food also often have peanut butter!