Circuses & Florence: T’s Week

Written by Rome Abroad

18 July 2018



What were you grateful for this week?
Friends to travel with. 

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
Missing home. 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. 
Cleaned without being asked to. 

Tell us about your week! 
Monday: [My host mom], the kids and I went rollerblading through a park to the beach. 

Tuesday: I helped clean in the morning and then I slept all day. 


Wednesday: I went to the doggy beach with  [my host mom] and had lunch with Ali. In the evening [my host mom] and I took the kids to a little circus where they performed balancing acts and juggling tricks. 

Thursday: [My host mom] didn’t work so we went to the river for the morning. In the evening we went to a larger circus with animals. 

Friday: The kids went to their grandmother’s. It was a relaxing day reading and recovering from the sun yesterday. In the evening we went to an exibihition of dogs. Demonstrating what [my host mom’s] Schef can do. Along with 3 other people and their dogs. Afterward we went to a country/western gathering and watched a lot of line dancing and some horse tricks. 

Saturday: I traveled to Florence with Ali. We saw the fake David and lots of big churches. As well as little shops. We went out dinner with other girls from the program and viewed the city at night. 

Sunday: I spent a relaxing day walking around Florence. We ventured to the Gong and saw the art of Eliseo Mattiacci. 






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