K’s Weekend in Milan

Written by Rome Abroad

25 September 2018



What were you grateful for this week? M

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
The hardest part of my week was clear communication…with my host family, myself, my fellow travelers and even family back home.

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
My wow moment for the week involves taking the kids outside and going to the park, riding a bike and playing soccer. I love that they’re so active!

Tell us about your week! 
Surprisingly, I’ve made my favorite memories (so far) this week. There have been a lot of challenges that come with living in Italy, but the rewards are just as promising as the lessons I’m learning from my so-called “struggles.” Every week I feel like I grow closer and more comfortable with the members of my host family, which I’m more than grateful for. I slowly feel like I’m becoming part of their little family which allows me feel more at home (and I’m sure they feel the same).


 I spent the weekend in Milan and I absolutely fell in love with the city. The other girls and I have been thinking up other jobs we could hold within the city (barista, interior designer, stylist) to afford living here and learning Italy for good. Having a group of four girls traveling was so much fun! We got to know each other better and now we’re looking forward to future trips. I’m living in a smaller city so traveling somewhere SO BIG was refreshing because there are a lot of tourists and a lot of people who speak English which is quite hard to come by in the smaller cities. I enjoy all of the walking and how active I’ve been while living here. 







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