Perfect timing: A’s Weekend in Venezia

Written by Rome Abroad

18 July 2018



What were you grateful for this week?
Perfect timing! 

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
Italian! The language. 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. 
Spending all week with [my host family’s daughter] and creating a better bond. 

Tell us about your week!
This week was extremely boring. I moved to the seaside with [my host family’s daughter]. I spent every day on the beach with her and her cousins and their nanny. It’s been a little trying because they all speak Italian and very little English. I can’t help when the kids cry because I don’t know what’s going on. The week was hard, but I’ve been given the opportunity to get to know the extended family better! 


After a long week, the weekend was much needed. Even though it had a rocky start… On Saturday, I got up at 4:30 to get to a specific bus in order to my train on time. Unfortunately, the bus flew past me as if the driver hadn’t seen me. I started to panic. 


After several bus switches, and some hardcore praying, I eventually made it to the station with plenty of time to spare. It was a crazy morning. But it got me thinking. If I hadn’t been so stressed about making my train, I never would have recognized the blessing of making the train! And if I hadn’t recognized that blessing, I wouldn’t have recognized the blessing that followed. My train switched numbers and it took some time to figure out the switch. If I hadn’t been blessed to make it to the train station with 20 minutes to spare, I wouldn’t have seen the blessing of time to find my train. If I was running, with barely any time left, I would have struggled to figure out the switch and ultimately been left behind. God needs some recognition from time to time. He knows everything and has a plan. How often do we overlook the blessings on a day to day basis? Too often. He has a hand in every little moment. every single thing that happens, happens for a reason.


I made it to Venice and met up with C! It was an incredibly beautiful city! However, I was expecting more river streets than there were. The gondola ride we took was straight out of a movie! Despite the bus debacle, it was a great weekend! 







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