Magical Moments: V’s Week

Written by Rome Abroad

13 July 2018




What were you grateful for this week?
I was really grateful for all the amazing friends I have made through this program!

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
The most difficult part of this week is when I missed a train and had to sit in a train station for an hour waiting for next one, not exactly how I wanted to spend my day. 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
My wow moment this week is when I was able to show [my host family’s daughter] how to play volleyball. Although it was difficult because it was windy I showed her how to do a low serve so that she has more control of the ball. By the end she was a pro!

Tell us about your week!
This week was amazing! I spent everyday at the beach with my host family and we swam in the sea and played in the sand and just relaxed! 


However, I did get stung by a jellyfish, which wasn’t super fun. But, my host mom is amazing and she took care of me and bought me some cream to put on it to make it feel better/ heal faster. Although it wasn’t the best thing that happened this week, it is definitely something I will always remember. 


After spending some time at the beach I headed back to Gallarate and my host family was generous enough to fly me home/pay for a car to pick me up to take me home. I felt like royalty! I then was able to travel to Cinque Terre with some other girls and it was AMAZING! I had so much fun! we saw all five cities and we were able o take a way fun boat tour to see them from the water! It was so cool to be on the water and our tour guide even stopped to let us swim in the water! 


One of my most favorite moments this weekend is when K and I went down to the bay in Riomaggiore and watched the sunset while we ate some takeout pasta we had picked up. It was literally the most magical moment of my life and I will never forget it!





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