What were you grateful for this week?
Technology, I am so grateful whenever I am having a tough time I can call my Mom!
What was the most challenging part of this week?
This week I felt super unmotivated so I didn’t do much.
Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
My wow moment was helping my host mom reorganize the toy room on Saturday morning. SO. MANY. TOYS.
Tell us about your week!
We arrived back in Milan after spending 10 days in Gressoney. [My host family’s son] had his birthday party on Monday, it was the most extravagant birthday party for a three year old I have ever seen. So much leftover cake and sweets, I can’t eat any more sugar…
This week I joined a new Italian course, so that meant all new people! My class is all girls which is really comforting. Everyone in my class is older than me, but they are all so nice. I made friends with this girl from the Netherlands, it was perfect timing because I desperately needed a haircut and she cuts hair! It felt good to finally start making friends out here. I am starting to understand Italian more and more everyday even though I am still struggling with speaking it.
This weekend I did not do much. I felt super low energy all week that I spent my time off resting. I had a couple hard days this week which made me miss home even more. My mom said to me “whether you’re home or away you’re going to have bad days” so I have been telling myself that every time I miss home a little extra. I am really excited to see how much I will grow as a person during this next year!