E’s Weekend in Florence

Written by Rome Abroad

18 July 2018












What were you grateful for this week?
This week I am extra grateful to be able to travel with friends! 

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
The most challenging part of this week has definitely been trying to please all of the kids, again. I try to plan fun activities to make the 8 hours we spend together everyday fun, but one of them won’t like it, or one will get upset, or they fight. It is really difficult, because with the language barrier we both struggle trying to express ourselves to each other. 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
A “Wow” Moment this week would have to be just working a whole lot more! Since the kids are finished with school, and summer camps, I take care of them from the morning to the evening, so both the parents can work! [E had less hours with the kids for her first two months.] 

Tell us about your week! 

This week has been good! Like I’ve mentioned a few times before, I have gotten to spend a lot of time with the kids this week! We have some good moments, and some not so good, but it really feels like I’m just hanging out with my siblings all day! We play games, paint, swim, and eat ice cream. I can’t complain!

This weekend was especially great! V & I have been planning our trip to Florence since April, so I was really looking forward to it! 

V & I were able to take a bus together down to Florence, which was kind of weird at first, because it was my first time traveling with someone. Usually we just meet there. It was really nice tho, because we were able to talk the whole way, split food, and just have an extra hand to help, if needed!

We arrived late Friday night, so we could get an early start Saturday morning! Which was exactly what we did. V & I woke up super early and got in line to see the David. Michelangelo’s David, is magnificent! I couldn’t believe all the detail. Then, V, K, & I went to the Uffizi! Besides being super hungry and tired, I really enjoyed the Uffizi. I have been studying art for two years now, so it was a dream to see all the art in person! After the Uffizi, we grabbed lunch and shopped for basically the rest of the day. K, V, & I both scored some good deals on some Italian leather, and rings! Then, to end the night, K, V, & I, met up with all the other girls from Rome Abroad that were in the city for dinner! We all ate some yummy pasta, then took a stroll to an amazing view point, with the best gelato in all of Italy in our hands.

Sunday morning, V & I attended LDS Church! The highlight of going to church, was running into some USU Alumni from Oklahoma! It’s such a small world. After church, V & I walked to the city center and finished up our leather shopping. Then we bought some fruit, and caught a bus back to Milan!

Florence has definitely become my favorite city in Italy! I was so sad to leave.  




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