Pizza & the Zoom: B’s Week

Written by Rome Abroad

16 July 2018


















What what are you grateful for this week? 

Extra grateful for my host family. I honestly think I got the best family out there! I love them so so much! Especially [my host mom]! She cares so much about me ❤

What was the most challenging or difficult part about this week? 

WAITING! I wanted the week to pass by quick because on Sunday we left for our beach vacation in Tuscany!!!

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.

I helped with packing & getting everything ready for Capalbio! (It was crazy busy)

Tell us about your week! 

This week was so special to me because for the first time in my life I saw fireflies! Not only did I see them, but we caught them!!! It was absolutely incredible! My host family now lives in Prarino (their country house) [and] it is only 5 minutes away from Canale so it us super convenient! We have dinner outside almost every night! It is a blast! 


Also most nights either Nonna & Nonno or uncle L or cousin M will join us! It’s my favorite part of the day! Thursday night we even made our own pizzas! 🙂 


This past weekend I stayed home & joined my host family for some fun activities! On Sunday we went to the Zoom (Italian for Zoo). [My host family’s daughter] brought a cute friend with her! It was so cute inside! It was split into countries and had the according animals in each part! There even was a pool there! Of course we went swimming!! 🙂 It was an amazing day! 




P.S. Last week: I found some more beautiful places on my daily walks!! I ended up in a cemetery. It was very different than your typical American cemetery! It was super cool to walk through it & look at the graves. I also found some other beautiful buildings and landscapes! (See pictures)






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