What were you grateful for this week?
Bandaids haha.
What was the most challenging part of this week?
Walking everywhere in the heat and humidity.
Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
I stayed home all day with the kids while the parents were busy with their business and other things.
Tell us about your week!
This is officially my last blog post! I truly can’t believe how fast the past three and half months went by. I remember like it was yesterday I was stepping off the train and was greeted by my host family with big signs saying “Welcome Home Eliza!!”
This past summer has helped me grow in ways I didn’t even know were possible. I’m feel more comfortable in my abilities to deal with new experiences, problems, and unexpected surprises (good and bad).
My host family has been incredible about making me feel at home, providing me with all the necessities I need, and making sure I feel respected as a part of their family. They have taken me on vineyard expeditions with them, encouraged me to try the local cuisine (cow stomach and lung!!), and pushed me to go out of my comfort zone in the most positive ways.
My summer was filled with joy and happiness, but there were some days where I felt homesick. This is totally normal though. There were days where I was covered in bug bites and scabs from me itching said bug bites. Days where I felt like I was going to pass out because of how hot it was. And some days where I just missed my friends and family at home. But the thing that got me through it was how unique and individualized this experience is and was. I can’t fathom that I was able to be immersed in local Tuscan culture, experiencing things that can only be experience like the locals.
Side note: I was able to explore Croatia so that’s where the pictures are from!!