Time in Spain: A3’s Week

Written by Rome Abroad

18 July 2018



What were you grateful for this week?
Friends from Utah in Europe!

What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?
Going to Spain and being used things in Italian instead of Spanish!

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week.
Grabbing more water from the storage when we run out!

Tell us about your week! 
This week my host mom was pretty busy so I helped the girls get ready for school, picked them up, took them to get get some gelato, and went to the park with them. I think they’re finally starting to get used to me which is a little bit sad because I leave in a few weeks. 


This week has probably been my best week here! I was able to visit a friend who is working on an internship in Spain! A couple days before I left for Spain a friend of mine who is currently in Rome had contacted me an asked about trains in Italy because she wanted to do a day trip but had to be back early in the morning to catch her flight to Spain. I texted her back and said hold on you’re going to Spain this weekend?! and she said yeah I’ll be in Barcelona, anyways we found out we were going to be in Spain together for the weekend and I was so so so SO excited! 


I flew to Spain on Thursday morning and met up with my friend working in Spain and he and his friends wanted to get Italian food kind of funny that I ate Italian food for my first meal in Spain and I am living in Italy, but it was ok I still had so much fun that night, we had dinner and explored the city! 


Friday I started to do some touristy things, in the morning I went to see the Sagrada Familia, it was amazing — it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Unfortunately I was only able to see it from the outside because they were sold out all weekend.


In the afternoon I met up with my friend from Utah along with her brother and his girlfriend. We walked along La Rambla and went to the market at the end of the street. The market was so amazing — there were tons of meats, cheeses, fruits, and seafood. Everything there was so fresh and it all looked so yummy! The weather this day was perfect too because it was cloudy so it wasn’t as hot. After we walked around we decided to go out to dinner and get some tapas and sangria. 


The next day we did more touristy things in the morning and and went on a hike to the bunkers at night, we tried to catch the sunset but unfortunately didn’t make it in time, it was still amazing though we were able to get a 360 view of Barcelona with the city lit up. I had so much fun this past weekend and I’m so grateful I was able to spend it with such amazing people! 





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