7 of Our Favorite Italian Words

Written by Rome Abroad

2 January 2021

Before you go to Italy, there are some essential Italian words to know. Not only will you hear these words all the time, but when you use them locals will be super impressed. And you’ll probably be understood more often, which is a huge plus. Here are 7 of our favorite Italian words you should know before you go:

  1. Allora – so, then, well
    You’ll hear this all. the. time. Allora is a great filler word that Italians use constantly. Kind of like how we use the word ‘so’ in English. You’ll pick up on the meaning as you hear it. 
  2. Quindi – so, therefore, next
    It basically means ‘therefore’ as in: Sta per sole, quindi indossa la protezione solare (It’s going to be sunny, so wear sunscreen.) But quindi also means next, or then as in: Ho messo le scarpe, quindi sono uscita. (I put my shoes on, then I went out.)
  3. Va bene – very well, all right, good
    You’ll also hear this all the time! 
  4. Ecco – here, voila
    The Italian equivalent of ‘here you are or ‘there we go.’
  5. Aspetta – wait
    This one is definitely handy to know, especially with kids! 
  6. Boh – um, hmm, I don’t know
    Super informal word for ‘I don’t know.’ You might notice an Italian say this and shrug their shoulders.
  7. Cavolo – cabbage (crap)
    A milder word instead of cazzo (s***) that means basically the same thing. Kind of like our ‘crap’ in English.

Love the sound of Italian? Consider living in Italy for 1-3 months. All you need to do is apply. We’ll help you pick a great host family, arrange your travel, and the rest. Start your adventure today.

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