K’s Last Full Week in Italia

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12 August 2019

What were you grateful for this week?This week I was grateful for my host family. They make me feel loved when I am missing my family. 

What was the most challenging part of this week?The most challenging part of this week was that my schedule was a little different. The hours were not bad and it was not hard, but it meant me schedule did not match J and S’s schedules so we did not get to hang out in our free time together. Not seeing them as often as I have now grown accustomed to was super hard.

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. This week I helped my host family to start packing the girls things to go to their seaside house next week!

Tell us about your week! This week was harder than previous weeks. I realized it was my last full week living with my host family. They have quickly become like family to me. The girls are always asking if I am coming back next summer to live with them again or when I am coming back to visit. It makes me sad that I do not know when I will see them again. I am also sad because I had to say goodbye to J and S this week. I said bye to J Wednesday and it was weird to not spend the weekend with her.

S and I got to take a trip to Pompei and Naples this weekend. It was out last trip together:(. I am very very emotional because I have made such great friendships here and had to say goodbye, yeah we all live in the United States, but different states. It will be a hard adjustment seeing someone everyday to not knowing when I will see them again. My mom and my brother, like my real mom and brother not host lol are coming to Rome next week!! So that is super happy news. I will get to show them where I have been living and then travel to Paris with them and then head home. I am super excited because my mom and brother are having dinner with my host family. It will be so much fun!!  

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