Bastille Day & J’s Wekeend in Paris

Written by Rome Abroad

18 July 2019

What were you grateful for this week?Making friends through the program!

What was the most challenging part of this week?I got super sick this week and my eardrum burst! Being sick made me super homesick but I was grateful how helpful my host family was. They were amazing!

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. This week I taught my host kids how to make s’mores! We roasted marshmallows over their stove and they loved them. It was fun!

Tell us about your week! At the beginning of the week I got a fever and burst my eardrum! It made me feel a little homesick, not feeling good and all but my host family was so great! I was able to get an antibiotic quick and my host kids were so cute and wanted to take care of me. I was grateful for them! 

This weekend was Bastille Day so I left to Paris Saturday! It was such an amazing experience! I went alone, but was able to meet up with S from the program! I was so grateful to have a friend and we had such a good time. I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend or friend! I got to listen to the French opera perform under the Eiffel Tower and watch fireworks after. It was so surreal. The metros all shut down for the celebration, making it impossible for me to get back to my Airbnb so I ended up being stranded in Paris for the night! There were no hotels with it being a holiday so I ended up just wandering and then sitting in an outdoor cafe until the morning. I had to catch an airport shuttle at 5:30 am anyways but it was kind of crazy to not have anywhere to stay haha. I was grateful on how safe Paris felt, so I wasn’t freaking out too bad! I was exhausted though!  

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