K’s Day Trip to Turin

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5 March 2019

What were you grateful for this week?Facetime. 

What was the most challenging part of this week?language barriers. 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. I showed them PB and now they can’t get enough. 

Tell us about your week! Tuesday I showed my host family peanut butter. At first I think they thought they really wouldn’t like it, but then they tried it and the parents both loved it! I think they were surprised about liking it. They’ve already gone out to buy more! 

Just hit the one month mark! Honestly this has probably been the hardest week for me. Like I have said before, I’m taking a class to learn Italian and I just can’t seem to catch on, so that is kind of discouraging. I have also been really homesick this week. It is weird that it took so long for it to sink in that I am all the way across the world.

This weekend I stayed home except for a day trip to Turin on Saturday. In Turin I went to an Egyptian museum (which was the second one ever, so that’s cool). They had a bunch of actual mummies from the different eras. The hieroglyphics and how they changed over time were also really cool to see. I walked around for a few more hours, went to a cafe, then did some shopping.

Today I went with my host mom to pick up [my host family’s daughter] from school then we went to a music lesson with some of her friends. It was nice to be around a lot of people and having distractions definitely helped me feel a little less homesick. 

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