M3’s Weekend Exploring

Written by Rome Abroad

20 February 2019

What were you grateful for this week? How close everything in Europe is. 

What was the most challenging part of this week?My host mom is on a work trip for 10 days and it is hard to manage the kids at night without her. 

Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. I often worked after hours to help [my host family’s daughter] with her english because the days can get so busy sometimes. 

Tell us about your week! This week has been crazy, [my host family’s son] left for China on Wednesday and will be gone until next Saturday. It has been hard sometimes managing the kids but also at the same time, I am sort of relieved, everything is more relaxed. I’m not asked to do so much during the week and in the mornings so that is nice that I kind of get a mini break from that. This weekend was interesting. I don’t ever want to spend a weekend in milan, I’m only here for three weeks so I think it would be kind of wasteful to be here when you could be anywhere in Europe. 

So we were trying to get to lake como but ended up a little west of it, we booked a random airbnb and then a train to the area. it was a very small place close to a lake and it was quiet. It kind of felt like I was pushed back in time and in a small town in the 80’s in like some random place it was really cool. The food there was so good and everything was so cheap when it’s not a huge city. It wasn’t what I thought it would be but it was still quite the adventure. 

Next weekend my family is taking me to Biella, and then the weekend after I’m headed to their france home with them for the children’s school winter break. I’m very excited.  

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