What were you grateful for this week?how easy it is to travel throughout europe once you’re here!
What was the most difficult or challenging part of this week?honestly I didn’t have many challenges this week. it was amazing!!
Tell us about a “wow” moment you had this week. I wasn’t with my host family this week
Tell us about your week!this week H and I flew to london and spent a few days there and then took the eurostar to paris for a few days as well, it was amazing!! H’s mom met up with us and spoiled us all week.
We went to afternoon tea and to a broadway show in London, we walked through the Louvre and saw the Eiffel tower in Paris! and of course ate yummy food every chance we could get.
London was freezing and a bit rainy but it was beautiful. we took advantage of the hop on hop off buses, they’re a great way to see the city especially when the weather isn’t too good. and it was fun to be around english speakers again!
Paris was gorgeous, the eiffel tower was beautiful and the arc de trimophe was amazing! we had the BEST crepes by the eiffel tower on our last night! it’s so simple to travel throughout europe once you get there and it’s so fun to explore new cities and experience different cultures. it’s so eye opening and challenges you in ways you don’t expect. and it’s so rewarding! after a long day of traveling and navigating your way through a new city it makes you feel so accomplished! and sharing all these experiences with my best friend makes it even better!